About Us
Wild Tripura Foundation is a Govt. registered Trust based in Tripura and it is one of a kind, pioneering in the field of documentation and conservation of the exquisite flora and fauna of the state. With the ever increasing population, nature is facing serious threats due to mass destruction of habitats for establishment of human settlements and agricultural land. Reckless poaching and illegal trade of wildlife have reduced their numbers in natural environment to such an extent that they have become confined to mere small pockets. There is an urgent need for mass awareness about the importance of nature and its components in our lives and also for the generations to come. Wild Tripura Foundation aims at documentation and conservation of the unique flora and fauna of Tripura, the sole purpose of which is to spread awareness among the common people, local community, more specifically the younger generation, who are the future of our country and have a key role to play in the years to come in the field of wildlife conservation. During recent days the organization has played a key role in conducting rescue operations, preventing illegal trading and killing of wild animals, organizing awareness camps and educational trips for familiarizing local community and younger generation i.e. school & college students about the importance of nature and its preservation.
The Begining Story
The journey began back in 2012, when a group of students of The Zoology Department of Tripura University, formed a group for exploring the various nook and corner of the state. In those early days, it was mainly a wildlife photography group, which focused mainly on the documentation aspect. With the passage of time, the group became more enriched and experienced. With passage of time there were addition of knowledgeable personalities as well as dynamic youths, who are contributing selflessly towards fulfilling the objectives of the organization. Wild Tripura Foundation is now a pioneer body in Tripura for conservation of wildlife. During recent days the organization has played a key role in conducting rescue operations, preventing illegal trading and killing of wild animals, organising awareness camps and educational trips for familiarizing younger generation i.e. school & college students about the importance of nature and its preservation.
Trust Board Members
Chiranjib Debnath chiranjibbiologist@gmail.com
Dipankar Deb devdipankartu@gmail.com
Subhasish Sarkar birdsubhasish25@gmail.com
Sujitraj Das Chowdhury srajdch@gmail.com
Trust Executive Committee
Dipankar Deb, President devdipankartu@gmail.com
Subhasish Sarkar, Secretary birdsubhasish25@gmail.com
Chiranjib Debnath Assistant Secretary chiranjibbiologist@gmail.com
Sujitraj Das Chowdhury Vice President, Treasurer srajdch@gmail.com
Tanmoy Das, Assistant Treasurer das.yomnat@gmail.com
Arnab Patwari, Publicity Manager
Dr. Dipak Sinha, Administrative Coordinator dipak60abu@gmail.com